大同大學電機工程學系誠聘 專案與專任助理教授以上教師

  • 本校電機工程學系誠聘專案與專任教師數名與產學專案教師1名(助理教授以上),從事教學、研究、服務與輔導之工作,預定起聘日期為民國113年8月1日。
  • 應徵資格需:
    • 教育部認可之國內、外電機工程系所博士學位(研究專長須以控制領域、數位IC設計、電力電子、天線工程、微波電路、應用電磁等領域優先)。
    • 符合教育人員任用條例、專科以上學校教師資格審定辦法及教育部與本校相關規定者。
    • 具英語授課能力者尤佳。
  • 應徵者申請文件:(身分證明文件請攜帶正本核驗,核驗後發還)
    • 身分證或護照影本。
    • 學經歷證件影本:大學、研究所等學位證書及成績單影本(持國外學校學位證書、成績證明、經歷等證件,須經我國駐外使領館、代表處、辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構驗證,並附內政部入出國及移民署核發之入出國紀錄及其他相關證件,如畢業證書及學位總成績證明非英語,係其他國家語言,請附上中文譯本)。應屆畢業者請檢附指導教授證明並註明預計畢業日期。
    • 履歷表(附兩吋照片一張)、自傳(含大學以上學經歷、專長)、歷年學術研究著作目錄、歷年研究計畫清單、未來研究方向簡述、可授課程之教學計畫書(本系大學部課程、碩士班課程參閱本系網址)、個人作品集、其它有助審查之資料。
    • 各類證書影本(如:教師證書、國家考試證書、業界服務經歷證明… 等)。
    • 重要成果或貢獻、專利、發明、榮譽事蹟。
    • 博士論文、摘要及相關研究著作全文。
    • 推薦函至少1封。
    • 其他足以證明其資格之文件。
  • 面試:
    • 書面審查通過者,須由遴選委員會進行面試。
    • 面試時間另行通知。
    • 經甄選、決選、及各級教評會通過者,預計113學年度第1學期聘任。
  • 申請期間:即日起至113年5月3日為止
  • 收件方式:應徵資料請以書面掛號郵寄或以電子郵件方式收件,不接受傳真方式。


  • 聯絡人:楊祝壽 主任





Department of Electrical Engineering
Tatung University

The Department of Electrical Engineering at Tatung University, Taiwan, invites applications for faculty positions at Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level. Applicants with the expertise on the areas of Control Field, Digital IC Design , Power Electrics, Antenna Engineering and Microwave Engineering are particularly encouraged. The duties of the positions include advising students, conducting research, and teaching courses at undergraduate and graduate levels (preferred with English teaching ability). The expected start date for the positions is August 1, 2024. Applications will be evaluated soon after they are received; review will continue until the positions are filled.  All application materials will not be returned after the evaluation process.

Following documents should be included in the application package:

  1. Cover letter specifying position to be applied for, as well as the applicant's academic expertise
  2. Curriculum vitae, including the applicant’s education background, research achievement, research interests, publication list, and teaching interests
  3. Copy of identity card or passport
  4. Copy of Ph.D. diploma and academic transcript
  5. Copies of major publications and abstract of PhD dissertation
  6. One recommendation letter at least
  7. Any other supporting materials that can help to identify your academic achievements (such as awards, patents, etc.)

The complete application package should be submitted to:
Department of Electrical Engineering

Tatung University

No.40, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C)


Chushou Yang , Chairman of EE

e-mail: csyang@gm.ttu.edu.tw

Tel: +886-2-2182-2928*6612